صوفی محدثین:تعارف وجائزہ

The Sufi Approach to Hadith Studies: An Introduction and Analysis


  • Dr. Riffat Awais Vice Principal, Government Associate College, Sangalhill, Pakistan.
  • Hafsah Arif PhD Scholar Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Govt. College University Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Hadith, Interpretation of Ḥadīth, Ṣūfīs, Ṣūfī Muhaddithīn, Ish'arī Commentary of Ḥadīth.


In every era, a considerable number of scholars have rendered great services in the compilation, investigation and interpretation of blessed Ḥadīths. Alongside the Muhaddithīn, the honored Ṣūfīs have also contributed to expressing, researching, and explaining Ḥadīths, emphasizing the principles of Ḥadīth. Their chains of narration are mentioned in Ḥadīth collections, such as Sihah, Mu'ajjam, Masanid, Mastadrakât, Mastakhrajât, Musannafât, Historical books, etc. Furthermore, they authored books of Ḥadīth compilation containing their chains of narration, such as Musnad ʿAbd Allāh ibn Mubārak, Musnad Ibrahim ibn Adham, where ʿAbd Allāh ibn Mubārak and Ibrahim bin Adham have transmitted blessed Ḥadīths with their chains of narration. Consequently, when the honored Ṣūfīs utilized traditions as evidence in their Ṣūfī works, they illuminated hidden secrets and wisdom therein. To the extent that, while elucidating the mystical aspects, they also authored commentaries on Ḥadīth, thereby also deriving and inferring matters of Sufism. The commentary of blessed traditions by the honored Ṣūfīs could also be termed as "indicative commentary of Ḥadīth. “Just as they provided Ish'arī interpretation and explanation while interpreting the Qur'ān, similarly, they also considered the Ish'arī aspect while explaining and interpreting the blessed Ḥadīths. This article provides a brief introduction to some Ṣūfī Muhaddithīn and their renowned books. Additionally, their contributions to the field of Ḥadīth have also been acknowledged.






